Wednesday, February 22, 2012

This House is Clean

You know that scene in Poltergeist were the mom looks away for a moment and when she looks back the kitchen chairs are stacked on the table?

Yeah, that totally happened to me while vacuuming tonight.

She hasn't honed her skills yet, but the timeliness of the execution was impressive.  

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentines Day!

I'm not festive for holidays, but this year I went all out and made some heart shaped cookies for Monkey and the guys at work. I've definitely been on a baking streak lately as I usually NEVER bake anything, but I did make this last week and am scheming to make a SAUERKRAUT cake in the near future (stay tuned I'll share all the gory details). 

Obviously, I'm not a baker:

This is how I roll (dough).  

I used a  simple sugar cookie recipe and got about two and a half dozen (We ate a bit of the dough along the way).     
Monkey really seems to like them! 
Yeah it's February and she's wearing Halloween jammies, so what.  
Elmo is having some milk too.
Hope your day was awesome.                                                                                      

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Pocketed Valentine Cards

Are you ready for Valentines day? Monkey's still a little young to get it, but I love making cards for Grammas, Aunties and Friends from the two of us.

This is a really easy card to make and the possibilities are endless when decorating. 

I kept mine simple because I'm lazy short on time this weekend and want to bust a few out to send to family members in time for Valentines day. 

Here's what you'll need:

12x12 Scrapbook paper
Cutting Mat or Ruler.
Glue Tape
Anything else you want to decorate, go crazy. 
Lightweight stuff to put in the pockets.

To make the Card:

 Put the paper on your cutting mat in the '0' corner
Line up the sheet so the all edges are flush with the grid
(Technically, you want your paper to be face down)

Fold up one edge to the 5" mark

Move the folded edge back to the '0' mark
Fold down the top of the paper to the 2 1/2" mark and crease
Unfold this for the next step

Using glue tape (a glue stick would work just fine),
glue the edges around the top of the paper as indicated.

Glue the sides of the bottom fold. 
This is your pocket. 
There will be a slight over lap of the pocket with the top of the card

Fold in half. 
I wanted my pocket on the outside of the card. 
You can totally fold it the other way if you want yours in the inside

That's it! 
 Decorate to your liking. 

(Don't forget your cheesy Valentine saying. The cornier the better in my opinion)

You can put anything you want in the pockets, 
I plan to mail mine so I'm throwing in just a picture

(If you plan on putting anything in heavier than a few pictures or a note, I recommend using card stock) 

I slipped some of Monkey's art work in the back pocket for fun. 

Now, the hardest part for me, getting these in the mail this week. 
I still have valentines from last year that never got sent :-/

Happy Crafting! Hope you have a great weekend.