Wednesday, May 2, 2012

25 Minute Ironing Board Cover Tutorial

So, My ironing board is ugly and gross.

And I'm too cheap to buy one one. So on the final stretch of nap time Saturday, I whipped up a new one. It's quick and easy and I'm guessing most who may be reading this have enough crap in their stash to make one too.

Here's what'ch need:

Fabric, enough to cover the board and some extra (I scored mine at Goodwill)
String or ribbon. I tied together two shoe laces, cause that what I had (cheap remember?). You will need a length longer than the perimeter of your board (perimeter measurement + about 12")

The usual sewing gear:
Cutting mat
Rotary blade
Tape measure

Ironing Board (duh)


Lay your fabric face down and place the ironing board on top like this;

Trace and cut around the board about 1/2" out from the edge to account for the seam allowance.

Next, with the remaining fabric cut 3" wide strips. You will need one piece long enough to go around the perimeter of the top piece you just cut. Use your measuring tape to find out how long your final strip needs to be. I had to piece together my scraps to make it. If you're a little short, no worries (it's an ironing board cover, it doesn't have to be perfect and no one's judging).

After you have your strip cut and pieced, fold, press and sew each end like this (just so the raw edges are contained and it looks finished):

Next, fold the strip in half (hotdog style) and press.

Insert your ribbon, string, shoes laces, dental floss, or what ever you're, into the fold like this:

Pin the folded strip to the top piece, fabric fancy side up and raw edges lined up.
Find the middle of your strip start by pinning to the 'top' of the ironing board, the ends should meet at the middle of the 'bottom'. Make sure the ends of the strings are hanging out.

Machine sew all the way around with what ever seam allowance you like, I used 1/4". Be careful not to sew into your string.

That's it. Flip the lip down, put it on your board and pull the string tight.


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